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Israel withdraws from a Gaza hospital, AT&T data breach affects millions of users

The IDF said it raided al-Shifa because Hamas had regrouped there. This all comes as the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to allow food aid into Gaza, but the court has no way to enforce this order.
— a
in most cities and counties. Fast food workers are among the lowest-paying workers in the U.S. The workers are often women, immigrants and people of color; many live below the poverty line.
involving the personal information of
and former customers. The breach, which occurred two weeks ago, has not had a “material impact” on the company’s operations, but has comprised social security numbers, full names, and phone numbers of some customers, according to an AT&T press release. The company has so far not identified the source of the leak, at least publicly.
in Nashville, Washington, D.C., and Georgia over the weekend. Beyonce’s latest album
of classic country with hip-hop, bluegrass and Chicano rock. The much anticipated album contains collaborations with Dolly Parton and reimaginings of songs like The Beatles’ “Blackbird.”
Goodreads and The StoryGraph make it easy to track how many books you read each year, but if you’re having trouble setting a goal,
— a practice that was discontinued. Those were more innocent times, back when “fake news” would only be a threat once a year.
that the whole thing was in jest. But every once in a while, unattentive listeners got fooled, and some of them wrote to NPR about how shocked — SHOCKED! — they were about this story that wasn’t being reported anywhere else for some reason.

building a
that there were people who longed for dial-up modems again:
— which meant that neglected trees were so full of sap,
so exclusive that unborn applicants had to submit to DNA testing in utero to search for markers of intelligence.
even weighed in on that one!
you can listen to NPR today with absolute confidence in the thorough, fact-based reporting we will offer.
